Friday, January 22, 2010

Swine Flu is better than being a Mom

1am - throwing up. me, not the kids
4am - throwing up again.
7am - trying desperately to get the kids out of their cribs and changed. feel like I'm going to pass out.
7:05am - throwing up
Rest of day: everything hurts. throat on fire. head set on explode. the pain. the aches. I've never felt so tired. I just want to sleep.
But so cold.
4:30pm - husband watches kids while I go to doctor.
And this is how the swine flu began for me.
But of course, as we already know from my previous posts, being sick doesn't excuse you from being a mom. That is, of course, unless you have a highly publicized illness that makes your husband stop and take action.
For the next two days, hubby woke up early and got kids ready (first time in 3 years that I can remember) while I slept. He took our son to preschool and occupied our daughter. He fed them, changed them, put them to bed. He cleaned up the living room so that when I emerged from the bedroom after the kids went to bed, I could walk right to the couch and sleep some more.
Which all leads me to conclude - Swine Flu is heaven.
Am I in pain? Absolutely. Do I feel like I want to die? Yup. Is it better than dealing with the two toddlers? Hell yeah.
day 3, sadly my vacation is almost over. swine, I will miss you.
ok, back to bed.


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